
That’s the word we keep hearing about these last six months. COVID-19 has changed the way we live and work. That part truly is unprecedented.

What is too common is the fact that women who are already in crisis and especially women of color are disproportionately affected by the current situation.

Recognizing that we are incredibly lucky to be employed, working from safe homes, and we have never personally had to navigate racial bias, we are making a mid-year donation to Call to Safety. This organization is truly in the trenches helping survivors of abuse. This is not easy work, but they do it with an eye toward racial equity, an understanding of the risks to our LGBTQ brother and sisters, and the recognition that sex workers are real people who deserve to be safe.

These are not easy things to talk about, and especially risky to do so on a company web site. We hope our partners in the industry agree that the time for polite silence about these crucial matters has passed.

Christine McKinley